
הדרכה למניעת נפילות והנחיות בטיחות ביחידה לטיפול נמרץ ומיוחד בפג ובילוד - אנגלית

Preventing falls and promoting the safety of new mothers and newborns during their hospital stay

Dear New Mother,

It is important to us that your stay at the hospital is safe.

To prevent falls and ensure that you and your baby are as safe as possible while you are at the hospital, please read the following instructions.

With best wishes, the Department Staff

Preventing maternal falls

❖When you want to get out of bed for the first time after giving birth, please call the nurse to guide you and be by your side in case you become dizzy or feel weak.

❖Each time you get out of bed, it is recommended that you first sit, wait a few minutes, and then gradually get out of bed to prevent dizziness and feeling unsteady.

❖If you feel unsteady, weak or dizzy, do not hesitate to call the nurse for help.

❖There are two call buttons, one in your room and the other in the shower. If you feel dizzy, sit down, breathe deeply and press the nearest call button to get help from a nurse.

❖When walking, wear comfortable shoes that are not slippery. Refrain from walking barefoot in the department.

❖Inform the nurse of any liquid that spilled on the floor or wet areas so that they can be cleaned and dried quickly.

❖Only use anchored objects that cannot move to support or steady yourself. Do not use an IV pole, cabinet, wheelchair, or other mobile objects for this purpose.

❖Keep important objects within reach, for example, nurse call button, cellphone, glasses.

❖Report any change in general feeling to the nurse.

Preventing newborn falls

❖When moving from place to place, make sure that your baby is always in the bassinet and not being held.

❖If you are tired, put the baby back in the bassinet. Falling asleep while holding the baby or with the baby at your side can put your baby at risk of falling or choking.

❖During your stay in the department, breastfeed your baby while sitting in an armchair or in bed.

❖Do not leave your baby on the bed unsupervised, and do not sleep in bed with your baby.

❖Do not leave your baby alone on the changing table or any other piece of furniture without constant supervision.

❖Make sure to lock the brakes of the bassinet.

❖Raising the adjustable bed (the mother's bed) is prohibited.

Safety when feeding your newborn

❖At night breastfeed/feed your baby in a room with the light on.

❖Do not breastfeed lying down when you are very tired unless another person is by your side to supervise.

❖Report any change in your baby's condition to the nurse, including spitting up, vomiting, change in color or not finishing a meal.

Additional safety instructions

❖If you are not able to watch your baby for various reasons (for example, when you are showering), return the baby to the Neonatal Department or ask a relative to watch the baby. Your baby requires constant supervision.

❖Wash your hands before you take care of your baby.

❖Do not drink hot drinks while breastfeeding or while holding your baby.

❖Newborns should be placed in the bassinet ONLY on their backs.

❖Do not place fuzzy toys in the bassinet or hang objects near the baby’s head.

❖Do not stand with your baby behind the hospital room door.

❖Before you attend to your baby when it is dark, turn on the small light in your room.

❖Never shake your baby - it can lead to serious injury.

❖Before washing your baby, make sure to prepare a safe environment to prevent bumping into things or slipping.

❖ Room temperature should be: 24°-26° C.

❖Water temperature should be: 36°-37° C.

❖The water in the basin should be up to 10 cm. When washing your baby under running water, make sure you always have direct contact with the water so that you can feel any possible changes in water temperature.

❖Always keep your hands on your baby and maintain eye contact with the baby while washing or taking care of them.

❖When in the car, make sure to place your baby in the car safety seat, facing the opposite direction of traffic.

❖Keep devices that emit cellular radiation away from your baby.

❖Make sure that anyone caring for your baby, including family members and visitors follow these instructions.


Maternity Department, Neonatal Department and NICU staff

Written by: Tzippy Refael , Head Nurse, Maternity D, Hadassah Ein Kerem

Along with: Prof. Smadar Even Tov - Head of Neonatology, Hadassah Medical Center

The information appearing in this publication is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a medical opinion and in any event, is not a substitute for professional medical advice. All rights reserved to Hadassah © Do not photocopy, duplicate or make any commercial use without written permission from Hadassah. The booklet is intended for both men and women. 2023.